2021 Year-End Tax-planning Tips for Individuals

When it comes to your personal finances, what you do this year will make a big difference in how much state and federal tax you pay next year (on April 15). It could also have an impact on your net worth for decades into the future.

That’s especially true this year when so many factors are likely to have impacted your taxes and finances — the lingering global pandemic, new tax laws, business slowdowns and shutdowns, supply chain disruptions, inflation, major shifts in government policies, and more. In this environment of relative disorder and uncertainty, having a well-thought-out tax plan in place empowers you to successfully meet the challenges, capitalize on new opportunities, and move forward with confidence.

Here at SWC, we encourage you to schedule a year-end tax and financial strategy session with your CPA. And if you are a client of ours, you already know that we can help you reassess your taxes and finances, adjust your plan to optimize outcomes, and take any year-end steps that can save you money and protect and grow your net worth.

In the meantime, whether you’re a client of ours or you work with another firm, here’s a look at some issues to consider as you approach year-end 2021: Continue reading…